
Value education programme, 1996-2003

In 1996 Sutradhar initiated an action-research project in 3 government middle schools. The idea was to improve the schooling experience of children by enhancing their ability to express themselves, and by attending to their social and emotional needs.

The project involved developing and implementing a value education curriculum using creative methodologies. The programme was constructed with the resources and feedback of life skills trainers, theatre persons, and organisations working in areas such as child rights hgh supplements independent reviews and gender.

A Sutradhar facilitator was involved in anchoring the weekly sessions. Children explored their personal belief systems in the context of their immediate world – the family and the community. The issues discussed ranged from class, caste, ethnicity, gender and sexuality, ability, age and religion. The sessions used role play, films, stories, activities and discussions.

A preliminary manual of drama exercises, ‘Chrysalis’, was compiled during the course of the project. Copies of the manual can be shared on request.